Friday, March 22, 2013

Day #33

Colossians 3:18
Wives, understand and support your husbands by submitting to them in ways that honor the Master.

I know that this verse can cause some people to get uncomfortable. Submitting is a touchy word in our day for some females. I admit the word really makes me think. I'm stubborn and don't love the thought of being fully submitted to someone.  The word submit, is described as ways soldiers submit to generals...eek! While deciding if I wanted this as a memory verse I looked up a lot of versions. Each used the word submit.  That really doesn't  give a lot of wiggle room.  We are called to submit to our husbands.

You see God has ordained Andy as the head of our household. I trust that.  Here is the part I think we don't always acknowledge because we are too caught up in equality. Andy respects me.  He respects my opinion and my heart. We work in a way where submitting comes easily. Does this make sense? Andy isn't going to make decisions for our family that are horrible and I have to follow behind him.  The next verse in Colossians calls Husbands to not take advantage of their wives. God intended marriage to have mutual respect.

I wrote more about that then I planned on, forgive me for preaching.  I really wanted to know this verse because I want the command to understand and support Andy to be in my thinking.  All the time. This takes work. As a counselor I see marriages where couples stop trying to understand and stop supporting.  It breaks my heart.  Marriage takes work.  God has high hopes for marriages and it should not be taken lightly. I pray Andy and I would never loose sight of why we were married.  God remind us that we became one to better glorify you. 

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