Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A little quieter...

               Today we had 23 University students and two sponsors leave Swaziland. As you can imagine our schedule has slowed down drastically in the past few hours.  Our time with the students was very enriching and a perfect way for us to start wrapping up our Swaziland year.
              Being with two college teams is a neat experience.  From the day the two teams meet to the end of the trip a magical bond takes place. This bond is formed while experiencing a new way of serving in a different place with strangers. The SNU/MVNU students served Swaziland with so much joy, patience, and was a breath of fresh air.
               While is Swaziland the team participated in so many things!  They spoke about hygiene at primary schools, worked along side The Luke Commission at clinics and at their home, they dug up tree roots so a garden could be started, they helped putting up a fence and played with hundreds of kids.  In the midst of all these projects they spent a lot of time with some of the same Swazi people.  These relationships were strong and life encouraging for all people involved.
                We were so proud to have these students work along side us and the Swazi people.  Their respect and hard work did not go unnoticed. Students such as these could change our world.