Friday, April 30, 2010

Honored and Humbled

    As Amy and I were commissioned at BFC this past Sunday, I couldn't help but think back to when I first arrived at Bethany First Church in 1999. I was sixteen years old, my mom had just died from Cancer and I was at a very low point in my life. The last thing I wanted to do was deal with my mother's death. I did not want to feel the pain so I found myself doing all sorts of things trying to escape. I was getting into trouble, hurting myself and my loved ones. I got to a point where I didn't really care about anything. I made decisions that were stupid and the fear of consequences wasn't enough to prevent them. There were many times when I would actually try and behave better, trying to be good. I was successful at these attempts for a short time, but found that I really couldn't do it by myself. I was too weak.
    All of this to say, I was a mess. Until one day, when Jesus came to me in a very real, supernatural way. I know he doesn't always work like this but that day, with me, he did. I felt that he was giving me another chance. I felt that if I continued to live in sin, something horrible would happen to me, perhaps death. I was very scared until I made a commitment to surrender completely to Him that night. Immediately after doing this, I was filled with His Spirit and was "on fire" for Him. I was so excited about what He had done and couldn't stop telling everyone! That was just the beginning of all that God has done in my life. Although I accepted Jesus when I was six years old (at Living Waters Churh of the Naz. in Swaziland), this was the first time I had surrendered to Him. I believe He has been there for me my entire life, I could here Him speak, I just wasn't obedient.
     I am truly humbled to be a part of the Swaziland Partnership. I know that I would not be given the privilege of serving if it weren't for Jesus and all the things he has done in my life. I hope that God will use my testimony as I share it in Swaziland. I am honored to represent the people at BFC and Lantana Community Fellowship. There is nothing Amy and I would rather be doing than serving this coming year! Thanks to everyone who has supported us and please continue to pray for us and the people of Swaziland.


  1. i've always been a fan of your testimony andy!!! you and amy are a strong couple. God will use you two, more than you will know on this earth.

  2. Andy, I'm so proud of the person you have become. I have always loved you like a brother but never been so proud of you as I am today!

    Amy, I'm so excited for your adventure and opportunity to use the education you have been working on! I want to hear all about it for I share the same interests!!

    Love you both! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures!
