The origional church at Bulembu. The Pastor's home and new church are in the background.
Us with the Pastor Kunene from the first church we finished in Embekulwini.
Children from Gigi's during their Bible school.
I've been wanting to write a blog, but I haven't been sure what to write about. For the past month we have been busy working on the Bulembu church, and that has been written about. As I've been thinking of what to write I've been running through different things in my head that I have learned while in Swaziland. A main theme that keeps popping in my head is my marriage and how thankful I am for my husband.
I'm grateful for him for many reasons. A reason that trumps all is our communication. In no way is it perfect, but it is so great to have a companion that I know I can talk to. Somedays it is the last thing I feel like doing, but in the end I'm forever grateful for the warmth and gentelness extended to me from him.
I know that there are many marriages who give up on talking or never begin talking. Especially here in Swaziland, many women feel that they cannot approach their husbands. I'm grateful that I can approach Andy and that our communication is a priority! Simply stated, but a big lesson learned.
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